Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hey girL, no one forgets their on BFF unless they're a fake k.
I SO think that you're a fake friend right now. Oh well, you're not the only one. If that can help reassure you.


My uncle passed away few days earlier. It's kinda hard to accept the fact that he has already moved on. But then again, I was never really close to him. It's kinda sad that I didn't cry when I heard the news. I teared though. So now something is reminding me at the back of my head that things are gonna be slightly different from now on. I no longer have to call "ee tiao" where i visit my aunt.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I thought I was far sighted..

I guess...

I was wrong


When we ask you out, we just want to see you, chat, enjoy a drink or two in a nice atmosphere.
You complain so much about the food taste, freshness, etc etc etc.
That's it, we'll see ya at home or at the Penang Famous Kopitiam!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Rascal Flats: My Wish

It was harder to sing it to him than I had imagined.
Even before the first chorus I felt my eyes getting warm and my tears welling up.
Then I couldn't continue singing anymore.
I truly admire PS and Kuen for carrying on singing(with their red eyes and all)
I felt as though i truly connected to the song when he stood in front of us.
As though the song was really meant for him.
Will cherish this song from now on(most definitely!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Waiting for

... prince charming to deliver me a yummylicious dinner!

IF ONLY that is true..

Looking forward to vege food in PG this Sat!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Flying back on flight AK5362 at 1340 hours
Crossing fingers and toes there'll be no delays
Can't wait to see daddykins and meme *muacks*

Life ain't perfect
I ain't perfect
Trying my best to work it out
But the road to perfection isn't easy

But what's perfect won't last long
What's imperfect then?